The BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta was founded in 2009 and is dedicated to bringing national and worldwide attention to Atlanta as a center for film and film production for people of color. The festival starts on Nov. 10th. This year the festival will be showcasing a film that happens to be one that we will also be spotlighting, Shanghai Hotel, being screened on Nov. 11th @ 8:00PM.

Written and Directed by Jerry Allen Davis, the film is the story of a young woman named Yin Yin (Eugenia Yuan), who illegally buys her way to the USA from communist China hoping to make a better life for herself and her family. Falsely promised a job in the technology industry, her dreams are shattered when she is told by the Snakeheads, an Asian gang, that her debt is much higher than expected and she will have to work it off by being a prostitute at the Shanghai Hotel.

Next week we will be highlighting the film with interviews from the cast, Eugenia Yuan, Hill Harper, Pei-pei Cheng, Ron Yuan, Cindy Chiu and Emily Yang.

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