Asians On Film Production: Mr. Nakamura’s Addiction

When we are not posting news, information and interviews, we are doing our part in the promotion of Asian-Americans on film. Our latest short film, Mr. Nakamura’s Addiction, starring Won Lee, is in the editing process and we hope to release it October 1, 2011....

Won Lee: Taxi Cab Killer

We featured an interview and some of Won Lee’s singing ability on a previous posts and word has it that he will be on on new Discovery Channel series called Kidnap & Rescue. The first episode premiered last Saturday and in the second episode on February 5th...

CAPE Soiree: The Aftermath

Justin Chon and Karin Anna Cheung Simon Yi, Shane Yoon, Ken Jeong and Andrew Oh S Ted Chen, Won Lee and Archie Kao CAPE’s Soiree was a great event with good food (not enough though), sake, great vodka and of course a sea of Asian talent! There were some old...