East West Players Three Year Swim Club, featuring Jared Asato, Kelsey Chock, Kaliko Kauahi, Blake Kushi, Mapuana Makia and Chris Takemoto-Gentile, is inspired by the true life story of Soichi Sakamoto who trained the youth of Maui to swim in the plantation irrigation ditches on their path to becoming Olympics champions. Set on the island of Maui in the 1930’s, it’s a play that becomes transcendent as the art of hula becomes a metaphor for competitive swimming.

A truly heartwarming, underdog story, the incorporation of hula movement into the story is not only an amazing idea, but as a metaphor for competitive swimming matches beautifully with the fluidity of swimming and gives the whole play a magical and poetic quality.

Three Year Swim Club is back on stage due to popular demand and runs from July 27 – August 19th 2012. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit their website: East West Players

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